This video is made by my friend Fareez.. This video is so funny... The actors even cant stop laughing during the video been shoot..
Hope you guys like watching this video..
Keep on creating a brilliant video!~!~!
Its about my life in this cruel world
This video is made by my friend Fareez.. This video is so funny... The actors even cant stop laughing during the video been shoot..
Hope you guys like watching this video..
Keep on creating a brilliant video!~!~!
Posted by Yasuo Shimizu at 7:11 AM 0 comments
Wow!~! Its the 17th season of the Americas most challenging reality TV shows.. Since its first series in Pulau Tiga, now its getting better and better.. And the contestants are getting smarter and smarter.. My favorite contestants is Ken, Ken is a world gaming champion, althou he is a geek, but he play well and smart..hehehe
And the location that they chooose is so perfect!~! Its so beautifull!! Its in Africa... With its wild animals, green forest, clear river.. theres no other place that as perfect as Gabon.. Watch YouTube and search for the clips from the series.. Watch it and you'll be a fan just like me...
And guest what?! In the Philippines, they also have the same reality shows as the Americans, and it is the first season its been aired.. The location of this competition is in Koh Tarutao, Thailand.. Urm.. Why dont they do it at their own country? They have a very large country? urm.. Biar la dorang.. yang penting best..hehehe... Recently i watch a scene from the show and it is on its Reward Challenge, guess what is their reward???
Posted by Yasuo Shimizu at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Posted by Yasuo Shimizu at 4:27 AM 0 comments
First of all i would like to thank all the people who had view and drop some comment at my post...
Well, i've heard some rumors about me after i had resign from the youth.. Rumors about i cant be admonish by people about what i've done or what people wanted me to do.. Well to get it straight, the admonition given to Me is not about what Miss W had said in her comment.. It more less not the same story that i've experienced. Well, to tell the truth, we've made the deal not to tell or make the thing big tapi in the end the people who make the deal not being honest. " Apa yang kita cakap hari ini, untuk kita-kita saja. Tidak payah untuk kasi besar-besar lagi ini cerita " thats what the leader say, and i take it seriously, but sepa yang tidak jujur di sini??!! I know dorang suda berpakat untuk tidak layan saya lagi, Fine, its ok for me, but tell me its that what a leader or a grown-up person will do.. Its BULLSHIT CHILDISH.. To tell the truth im still confius by Miss W comment telling me about what 8gar had said to her, about " KERJA AMAL " What kerja amal? since when youth had discuss about doing a kerja amal? If saya kena tegur about it, buat apa saya mau merajuk sampai macam begini sekali.. Saya masi bersikap profesional.. Saya tidak akan buat keputusan sebegini kalau tidak apa yang dorang tegur saya itu buat saya tidak tahan lagi.. Teguran yang membina saya akan terima, tapi teguran yang menjatuhkan semangat orang itu suda melebihi batas.. Kalau kamu tanya kawan2 saya yang pernah sama buat Dinner kami, buat Diskusi kami atau apa2 aktiviti yang besar di UiTM tanya dorang adakah teguran yang dorang bagi dengan saya terus saya mabil keputusan untuk tidak tolong dorang lagi?? Dorang akan jawab, kami tegur dia atas perkara2 yang memang patut kami tolong dia, sebab sebagai satu kumpulan kita harus tolong menolong di antara kumpulan.. Thats we call profesional person who can make a wise decision and make a wise action..
In responses to Add comment, it taken me A WEEK to think the action and think wisely before i made a decision.. After making a big consideration i've made up my mind to back off and give the position to other people.. Bukan apa, sebab kalau suda kita berusaha untuk dorang tapi kita tetap juga di salahkan, itu memang suda melampau.. The first time i wanted to join the group is just because of my passion in singing and serving GOD.. I enjoyed during my time in the group, i've sacrified many things including my study time, my quality time, my money but in the end people still blaming me on the matter that should'nt be a big problem.. Even kalau saya mau nyanyi psalm pun kena complain.. I know saya ni bukan profesional singer tapi cuba kamu bayangkan, kenapa cuma saya sorang saja kena blame tidak bawa choir practice psalm kalau saya mau nyanyi psalm.. Kenapa dorang tidak blame orang lain yang nyanyi psalm.. Thats bias.. Saya disalahkan sebab buat pembaharuan dalam melodi lagu, tapi bukan kah kita harus mencuba yang baru untuk maju kehadapan?.. Macam mana kita mau perfect untuk menyanyi kalau time practice mulut tidak pandai diam bercerita? then masa practice ok, tapi bila nyanyi yang betul2 tidak pandai buat betul2.. Then saya lagi yang kena blame.. The decision that i made, i had already think beyond the positive aspect.. But still, the best way was to back off and let people know how to handle such position and how to make the group the best group ever..
Saya harap, semua orang faham the position that im in rite now.. Bukan saya kasi salah dorang, saya tidak menyalahkan sesiapa di sini.. Kita manusia biasa kita tau di mana tahap dan batasnya untuk seseorang itu bersabar dan tahap seseorang itu untuk berfikiran rasional.. Bagi saya memburuk-burukan orang bukan la jalan yang bagus dan mencari kesalahan orang bukan la langkah yang harus diambil oleh orang yang telah matang.. If u are a grown-up, think wise.. Be more profesional.. Jangan dengar dari sebelah pihak saja, listen to both sides can make ur perspective change about the first thought u have..
Posted by Yasuo Shimizu at 8:06 PM 3 comments
Last Saturday was my 1st time going to any political convention.. Its my 1st experince going to such event.. For all this time i always believe im not going to be apart of the political field.. But after going to the convention i had the feeling that i'll become one of the politician one day (...Debush!~! Stop dreaming Steve!~!~! ) ~lol
It quite okward for me to attend such event, but looking at the all deligates from the district all over Sabah, i felt that while attending such event the knot of friendship will be widen.hehehe
During the event, i saw all kind of people.. People who loves to ingratiate.. People to took advantage.. and many more.. But, among all i love it when the people sang together with their heart to the party song.. The music arrangement of the song quite chicky.. I love so much.. I remembered the song until now.. I sang it all day..~lol
But, i hope my dream will become a reality in the future so that i can make changes to our country for the sake of our people..
Posted by Yasuo Shimizu at 7:03 AM 1 comments
"You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action."
-- Anthony Robbins